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Inspirasi untuk tampil Cantik: Make-up ala Wanita Arab
Written By Unknown on Selasa, 24 Mei 2016 | 18.34
Penting-nya memilih HP yang "pas" untuk Bisnis anda - Tips
Written By Unknown on Rabu, 11 Mei 2016 | 00.29
berjualan online, gadget yang bisa terhubung ke internet adalah point
yang paling penting sebagai modal utama, baik untuk memasang barang
dagangan maupun berinteraksi dengan kostumer. Zaman sekarang, jualan
online gak mesti lagi pakai laptop atau IPAD/TAB. Handphone/Smarpohone
(HP) saja sudah bisa mewakili canggihnya laptop. Terlebih, HP lebih
handy dan enak dibawa ke mana-mana, sehingga lebih praktis, dan tentunya
kita bisa berjualan di mana pun kita berada. Namun, beberapa kendala
bisa muncul jikalau kita salah memilih HP untuk berjualan.
Berikut ini beberapa tips dalam memilih HP untuk berbisnis online, yang kami rangkum dari beberapa sumber.
- Mindset penting pertama dalam memilih HP adalah pilih spek yang bisa naekin omset olshop kamu. Yang bisa memenuhi kebutuhan ngonline kamu. Bukan sekedar buat gaya-gayaan.
- Pertama cek ukuran layarnya, jangan terlalu kecil, tapi jangan kegedean juga supaya mudah dibawa. Ya, pilihlah ukuran 5 - 6 inch supaya enak buat jempol meng-eksplor layar handphone.
- Setelah itu cek juga fitur kameranya. HP dengan kamera 13MP blom tentu lebih bagus dari yg 8MP. Terkadang, itu hanyalah akal-akalan marketing HP-HP KW, yang belum tentu menghasilkan gambar yang berkualitas. Cari dulu di google review hasil jepretannya. Atau kamu bisa coba dulu kameranya pas beli. Soalnya, Seller online punya HP kamera baik itu hukumnya wajib. Buat ambil foto/video produknya biar eye catching.
- Terpenting setelah itu kapasitas RAM-nya. Seller online shop harus siap berperang dengan aplikasi2 yang nantinya akan diinstal di dalamnya. Kamu akan perlu menginstall editor gambar, sosmed, chat messenger, dan kloningan2nya. RAM 1GB terlalu ngepas. Setidaknya pilih yang 2GB, agar memorynya lumayan lega.
- Selanjutnya baterai. Penting juga, jika sewaktu-waktu kita jauh dari sumber listrik, seperti sedang berkendara atau di Mall, dll. Perlu diingat bahwa semakin gede layar menuntut kapasitas baterai yg makin besar. Apalagi kalau dipake untuk multitasking aplikasi ini itu, pastinya akan menkonsumsi daya baterei yang lumayan. Paling tidak, untuk kebutuhan layar 5-6inch, cari handphone dengan kapasitas 3000MAh. Sehari semalam aman tanpa ngecas. Kalo yang 2000-an MAh biasanya sore harus sudah mulai ngecas lagi.
- Nah, yang terakhir tinggal menyesuaikan dengan budget kamu deh. HP2 sekarang fiturnya mirip2 kok, tapi harganya bisa balapan.
- Sesuaikan dengan layanan after salesnya, terutama garansi jika terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan sewaktu-waktu. Jikalau HP rusak pas jualan lagi rame-ramenya, siapa yang gak pusing coba? Targetnya, habis keluar uang banyak buat beli HP baru, nantinya harus menghasilkan profit yang lebih banyak.
Semoga Bermanfaat
WARNING! Wearing contact lens while swimming can be very DANGEROUS
Written By Unknown on Senin, 14 Maret 2016 | 03.35
The fact is the water in the swimming pool contains substances that can shrink the size of the contact lenses. Moreover, the pool water itself is unlikely contaminated with bacteria or tiny particles that can infect your eyes.
So, better you get off your contact lenses before you swim. Instead, you may use swimming goggles which use lenses as needed.
So, better you get off your contact lenses before you swim. Instead, you may use swimming goggles which use lenses as needed.
Softlen News
Tips for choosing contact lenses to fit the skin colors
Currently, soft contact-lens (soft-lens) not only used for visual aids, but also could be worthy for lifestyle and tools for enhancing your appearance. Many peoples are trying to change their appearance start from their eye look. Yups, that is right, definitely you can enhance your appearance from your eyes look, which of course, it must be adjusted to match with other things you have/wear, such as the clothes you wear, skin color, hair color, eyelashes, etc. In principle, you need contact lenses to appear all-natural with your appearance, ensuring that they are not appear as if they are phony.
1. White color skin.
3. Dark skin
So, now you have references to choose what color that fits your eyes. You can narrow down your choices to around two colors, to seek the best choice for you. You can do something as follow:
Most importantly, make sure you bought a good quality contact lens, and do not forget to use and remove the contact lens in an appropriate manner. Remember, the soft-lens may enhance your appearance, but you also need to think of your eyes to be safe and secure.
1. White color skin.
Not trying to be unfair to the other skin colors, but seems the white color skin is a gift from God. Anyone who has this skin color can fit into any soft-lens color. They can confidently choose bright colors soft-lens, such as violet, blue, turquoise or gray, and even dark colors like black and dark brown, to make the look more attractive and beautiful. Moreover, they should not hesitate to wear bold colors to make the eyes look more vivid and dramatic. So, seems no big trouble for the people with a white skin for wearing soft-lens. Perhaps, this is the reason why many contact lenses vendors hiring white gals for their model.
2. Brown or tanned skinThe light colors are the best choice for this skin color, but of course, we must choose an appropriate color to have a natural look. The key colors for brown or tanned skin are gray, honey brown and hazel (light brown). Basically, having a bit yellow and gray. You can choose gray color lenses with a touch of yellow in the vicinity. In this way, the beauty of your eyes will be more visible.
3. Dark skin
For those who have dark skin, avoid soft-lens with too bright and flashy colors, such as bright blue or light violet. If you keep using bright colors, your appearance will look unnatural. You may choose brown, dark purple, dark green or dark gray to highlight the color of your skin to give the impression of natural, exotic and warm for the skin.
So, now you have references to choose what color that fits your eyes. You can narrow down your choices to around two colors, to seek the best choice for you. You can do something as follow:
- Wear one trial lens on your right eye and another on the other eye.
- Compare those two by looking in the mirror and determining which one is the best combination for you.
- Close one eye when doing so, as this can make a lot of differences.
- Finally, check out how the lenses will look in different lighting conditions. Move to a shaded area to find out how it will look on you when light is limited, and go to a brightly lit area to check out the effects of your chosen colored contacts.
- Or you can take pictures of your eyes at different conditions, such as in a natural ambient, an ambient with lamp light, and then you can try using camera flash. You can also use different angles to examine more the look of your wearing those soft-lens. (as shown bellow)
Most importantly, make sure you bought a good quality contact lens, and do not forget to use and remove the contact lens in an appropriate manner. Remember, the soft-lens may enhance your appearance, but you also need to think of your eyes to be safe and secure.
Softlen News